简介:The Life Times of Tim is an animated comedy that tells the story of Tim Dildarian, an average cubicle monkey in his mid 20s that works for the generic company Omnicorp in New York. Throughout the series, Tim constantly finds himself in increasingly awkward situations in both his work and personal life
2.0 ウルトラマンゼロ外伝/キラー/ザ/ビートスター/赛罗奥特曼外传/KILLER/THE/BEATSTAR/赛罗奥特曼外传/杀手比特星/赛罗奥特曼外传/超决战!贝利亚银河帝国外传/钢铁的宇宙/赛罗奥特曼外传/超决战!贝利亚银河帝国外传:钢铁的宇宙/赛罗奥特曼外传/超决战!贝利亚银河帝国外传/Stage1:钢铁的宇宙/赛罗奥特曼外传/有机生命体的危机:STAGE1/钢铁宇宙/超决战!贝利亚银河帝国外传/Ultraman Zero Gaiden: KILLER THE BEATST/
1.0 我独自升级:暗影崛起/我独自升级/第二季/-Arise/from/the/Shadow-/나 혼자만 레벨업 Season 2/Solo Leveling Season 2/Solo Leveling: Arise From the Shadow/我独自升级/第二季/俺だけレベルアップな件Season/2/-Arise/from/the/Shadow-/